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Flexi Mold - 可重複使用的模型材料 - Flexi Mold
  • Flexi Mold - 可重複使用的模型材料 - Flexi Mold
  • Flexi Mold - 可重複使用的模型材料 - Flexi Mold
  • Flexi Mold - 可重複使用的模型材料 - Flexi Mold

Flexi Mold - 可重複使用的模型材料


Flexi Mold - 可重複使用的模型材料

Flexi Mold - Reusable Molding MaterialFlexi Mold - Reusable Molding MaterialFlexi Mold - Reusable Molding Material

€18.81 节省 5%


什麼是Flexi Mold,怎麼使用?

Flexi Mold 是一種創新且多功能的材料,專為製造單面或雙面可重複使用的模型而設計,為傳統矽膠模型提供了一種可持續且可重複使用的替代方案。 它可以被加熱融化並多次重複使用,是一種經濟實惠且環保的選擇,適用於各種應用。它具有柔韌性,符合食品級標準,並且通過加熱融化重新開始,可以修正錯誤。由於它是可生物降解的,並且不含石油基成分,它是一個環保的選擇。

使用 Flexi Mold 時,將其加熱(最好使用微波爐),然後倒在你想要複製的物體上,待其冷卻。固化後,它將精確捕捉複雜的細節,非常適合藝術、烹飪和零件生產等用途。

Flexi Mold 是矽膠的優越替代品,因為它相對於傳統矽膠模型提供了幾個顯著的優勢:

  1. 性能: 它是可重複使用的,這大大減少了隨著時間推移的材料成本。
  2. 環保安全: 由於它是可生物降解的,並且不含有害化學物質,因此是對地球更安全的選擇。
  3. 可修正性: 如果出現錯誤,它可以重新融化並重新模製,避免浪費材料。
  4. 易於使用: 與矽膠不同,它不需要混合或固化劑,從而簡化了使用過程。
  5. 食品級: 它可以用於烹飪製作過程中。




Flexi Mold 可以使用多少次?

它的可重複使用性和食品兼容性是其最顯著的優點。通常,當正確使用並妥善保養時,Flexi Mold 可以重複使用超過 35 次。事實上,通過小心操作,其使用壽命可以延長至超過 100 次。通過避免加熱溫度超過 82°C(180°F)並在每次使用後過濾掉廢料,可以輕鬆達到超過 35 次的使用循環。使用者報告稱他們已經延長了超過 100 次的重新熔化過程。過濾掉碎片和顆粒物,以保持清潔和高效,以便未來使用。

冷卻時間取決於零件的大小和厚度。較小的零件(大約 300 毫升或 10 盎司)在室溫下大約 2 小時內完全固化。為了加快這一過程,可以將其放入冰箱,冷卻時間可以加速。較大的零件可能需要更多時間才能完全固化。


  1. 融化:加熱直到它變成液體。可以使用微波爐,每次短時間加熱 10-15 秒,重複 2-3 次,或者使用水浴法。如果一次性在微波爐中加熱,可能會燒焦。
  2. 倒入:將熔化的材料倒在物體上,或倒入鑄模箱中製作模具。
  3. 冷卻:讓它完全固化,放在室溫下冷卻,或者放入冰箱加速冷卻過程。
  4. 重複使用:當不再需要時,將產品重新加熱以重新塑形或製作新的模具。

How Do You Melt Flexi Mold Safely?

It can be melted either in the microwave or in a bain-marie using the product container.

Microwave method: Use a few seconds of heating intervals to avoid overheating and thus degradation of the product. The usual heating times are as follows, although it is wise to constantly monitor the state of the product as it turns to liquid.

  • 300ml (10 oz.): 1-2 minutes. Select the time in your microwave and stop every 10-15 seconds to check the condition of the Flexi Mold. Continue heating until ready to use.  
  • 600ml (20 oz.): 3-5 minutes. Use the technique explained above, with the possibility of extending the intervals a few seconds longer.
  • 1200 ml (40 oz.): 7-10 minutes. In this case, the intervals will be somewhat longer.

The product should be heated in short periods of time of 10-15 seconds, so if we try to save time and heat it for more than 1 minute continuously, the product could burn.

2.- Double boiler or bain-marie method: Place it in a container inside another pot with water. This method keeps the temperature below 100°C (212°F), reducing the risk of burns.

Always stir it during heating to ensure even melting and to avoid overheating your container. Remember to stir it superficially so as not to introduce air and bubbles that will be transferred to the mold, creating imperfections. 

What Materials Can Be Cast with Flexi Mold?

Flexi Mold is versatile and works well with many casting materials including:

  • Gypsum, Acrylic Resin, and Plaster: Ideal for decorative items and art projects.
  • Resins: We recommend using slow-curing epoxies or polyurethanes only for small parts to avoid overheating.
  • Chocolate and sweets: It is food safe, making it perfect for culinary creations. It is certified for food contact, making it ideal for chocolate, fondant and other confectionery projects. Just make sure the material is clean before use.
  • Candle and soap wax: Cool before pouring hot materials to ensure faster cooling.

It can even be used to shape unique materials such as polymer clay, ensuring smooth, detailed results. Remember, after molding the clay you must bake it, without a mold, to make it resilient and keep its shape.

Example of use with wax:

Precautions when using resin with Flexi Mold

Resin generates heat during curing, so there are several things to keep in mind before using it.

  1. Size: Larger projects tend to produce more heat due to the larger volume of resin that reacts. This is why you should only use it on small projects. Otherwise, the accumulated heat will damage the mold as it could eventually melt it.
  2. Ambient temperature: Ambient temperatures affect the prolongation or reduction of the curing process of these materials.
  3. Resin type: Different resins have different curing characteristics, including the amount of heat they release. Consult the manufacturer's manual for proper cure.
  4. Additives: Additives such as pigments or fillers can affect the curing process.
  5. Cooling: When using these materials, which work with temperature, it is advisable to let them cool completely.

Understanding these factors helps to achieve better results with resin projects.

How Do You Clean and Maintain Flexi Mold?

Cleaning is simple. Use a cool, damp cloth to remove debris, avoiding immersion in hot water, as the material can dissolve in hot water. For molds with embedded particles, remelt it and filter it through a fine mesh or filter to restore its purity.

Store it in a cool, dry place, always protected from extreme temperatures to prevent it from losing properties and deteriorating. It will then be ready for your next project.

What Are the Temperature Guidelines for Using this Reusable Material?

It is reusable and melts at approximately 140°F (60°C) and can withstand temperatures up to 180°F (82°C) during heating. When working with high temperature casting materials, cool the product in the refrigerator for a few minutes before pouring to avoid warping.

Can Flexi Mold Be Used for Two-Part Molds?

Yes, it is ideal for creating two-part molds. Here’s how:

  1. Prepare the Base: Begin by embedding your object halfway into a layer of clay. Shape the clay carefully to cover half of the object, ensuring smooth edges to reduce seam lines and achieve a better fit between the halves.
  2. Set Up the Casting Box: Place the clay and object setup into a cast frame square. Apply a release agent evenly over the exposed surface of the object and the surrounding clay. 
  3. Pour the First Half: While the release agent is still wet, pour the melted molding material over the exposed portion of the object. Make sure it fully covers the surface. Allow the material to cool and solidify completely.
  4. Prepare for the Second Half: Once the first half has solidified, carefully remove the clay and apply a release agent to the surface of the solidified part. Chill this first half in the freezer to prevent melting during the second pour.
  5. Pour the Second Half: Reheat the molding material to a temperature between 50°C and 60°C (120°F–135°F). Let it cool slightly until pourable but not too hot. Pour the material over the remaining half of the object and the first half.
  6. Finalize the Mold: Allow the second half to solidify completely. Once cooled, you’ll have it ready for use!

By following these steps, you can create precise molds with minimized seam lines and a seamless fit between the halves. 

How Can You Minimize Bubbles in Flexi Mold?

To avoid bubbles:

  • Pour it slowly and steadily.
  • Use a vibrating surface to release trapped air.
  • Paint a thin layer of melted Flexi Mold onto difficult details before pouring.
  • Seal porous objects to prevent air from escaping during molding.

Is it Safe for Pets or Accidental Ingestion?

It is a non-toxic material made from food-safe ingredients. However, if you incorporate substances like urethanes, plaster, or release agents into the mold-making process, it may no longer be safe for consumption. Always refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for those additional materials to ensure safety.

Interestingly, some dog owners have reported their pets consuming it, as it seems to attract their curiosity. In all reported cases, the dogs were fine afterward. That said, if your dog shows any unusual behavior or symptoms, it’s best to consult a veterinarian to err on the side of caution.

Warnings before use

Flexi Mold is a partially water-soluble material, so it can dissolve in contact with water. That is why it is not recommended to fill the molds with water-based mixtures (such as acrylic resin, plaster, or plaster, among others) without taking the appropriate measures. To achieve an optimal result with these mixtures, it is absolutely necessary to apply a layer of release agent inside the mold, which will protect it from the humidity of the materials inside. Specifically, from Green Stuff World we recommend the use of sculptor vaseline since our team of experts has proven its effectiveness.

It is important to keep in mind that once Flexi Mold has been mixed with Vaseline, it will no longer be a food-grade product and therefore cannot be reused to create molds in culinary recipes. In addition, it is recommended that vaseline residues be cleaned as much as possible before reuse to avoid premature degradation of the product.

9981 項目:

編號: 8436554367832ES

紫色有機矽補土 200gr

有機矽補土 200gr-硬度:50ºShore-A -顏色:紫 -混合比例1A:1B,手動混合 -不可食用 -23ºC下的工作時間:2.5分鐘 -23ºC下的固化時間:10分鐘 -可烘烤到150ºC
價格 €10.92 正常價格 €12.85