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Green Stuff Tape 12 inches WITH GAP | Green Stuff
  • Green Stuff Tape 12 inches WITH GAP | Green Stuff
  • Green Stuff Tape 12 inches WITH GAP | Green Stuff

Green Stuff Tape 12 inches WITH GAP


Green Stuff Tape 30cm (12 inches) WITH GAP between both materials to extend its lifetime and avoid any waste of material.


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€5.32 Save 40%


Kneadatite Blue/Yellow Green Stuff is a room-temperature curing two-part epoxy putty sold either in tape format. 

Mixing equal parts of the yellow 'filler' and blue 'hardener' produces a sticky green putty that feels a lot like chewed bubble gum. Once mixed, it has a worklife of 90 minutes, allowing time for shaping and detailing, reaching 'ultimate hardness' after 24 hours. Altering the mix with more blue or yellow component will produce a faster/slower and harder/softer cure.

We recommend to use a little lubricant to prevent Green Stuff from sticking. Normally water is enough but some people also use others such as Vaseline, petroleum jelly or even jhonson baby oil to get smooth surfaces. Keep wet fingers and tools to make easier the sculpting and modeling process. You may also add talcum powder to reduce the stickiness and avoid fingerprints.

This set contains 30cm (12 inches) of material WITH GAP between both materials to extend its lifetime and avoid any waste of material.


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